Sunday, August 9, 2015

Trust & Appreciation

Caution:  This may be a "whiny" post but I need to get some of this out of my head.  I trusted my friend so much that I quit my job and went to work for her.  If it were only the business we were working toward, as I thought in the beginning, we'd be fine.  I had my suspicions last week, and found out yesterday that the business was also paying bills at home, catching up on rent and utilities.  

That leaves no moola left for me.  I don't have a job, and they owe me money that I need right now.  

Which brings us to the appreciation part.  The bather has his job, the groomer has her job, so I took on the responsibilities of cleaning.  Kennels, towels, floors, etc.  

I  think they will appreciate the part I played.  I hope so.   The customers will ask where I am, too.  

And another thing, they brought a dog home from her son's house.  A dog that does not like me, which is so odd.  It really bothered me that they insisted every time she growled to say, "she doesn't growl at me, she ran right up to me and Ken..."  Tell her no, tell her to be nice, to me, like you do the dogs.    

So, my plan is to work on my art, get back to creating.  Hopefully selling.  

I knew I shouldn't have gone with her, I should have waited until she got settled in...but we'd talked all Winter about opening the shop, and it was always us, so I would have felt like I didn't support her when it was time.  

With any luck I can get my job back at Twin Pines.  Sweetheart is going to talk to the guy that is running the Pro Shop about it.  I'd work for cheap, and that would be more than I've made since May.  Plus, it will give me a lot of time to kick back and stitch.  

With all that being said, I do realize that this is something she has to do with the goals she has set, and I will still support her.  We've been friends for a long time, and I have no plans of un-friending her at all.  Nor will it be weird.  I knew getting this in writing would calm me down.

I just transferred my prescriptions to the drug store across the street from the shop.  Good excuse to visit once a month, huh?  

Gonna take a week off, rest, stitch, get some yoga going, back to eating clean.   I've eaten so much bologna the last 2 months, I never want to taste it again.  Got sick from one of those little pkgs of mustard, too.  

 Handmade by Cosmo

Play Nice!  xxoo

Thursday, July 30, 2015

3 years later

There are a lot of things I'd like to say on social media, Facebook is about the only one I'm active on.  I don't feel like being a target for trolls.

I feel somewhat safe here, this blog has been quiet for 3 years.  Probably not too many check it daily.  So here goes.  My feelings on the things that are going on right here this minute, July 29, 2015.

Cecil the Lion.  The dentist paid the fee to his guide to lead him to a trophy lion.  He filled out his paperwork, he did it by the book.  Why is he to blame for this?  His only "fault" is that he hunted a male lion for a trophy.  He's guilty of being egotistical for thinking that makes him more manly to kill the King of the Beasts.  That's it.  Y'all calm down, because, just like the Confederate Flag Fiasco, what is going on in the background of our government/congress/pack of heyenas while everyone is obsessing over Cecil?  Congress is notorious for electing to raise their wages in the middle of the night while their constituents sleep.  We gotta wake up.

We are in such a fog, sheeple.  Well, you know what?  Us "sheeple" better start banding together.  Everybody,  This race baiting,within our Media, we can't let that form our opinions.  Rioting, Black vs White vs Mexican vs Whatever race...instead of being angry with each other, we need to interlock arms and go after the ones that are making us so angry.  The ones that are doing all they can to scare us and to make us hate each other...aren't we all sick and tired of that?  All of our cultures have so much to offer the others, can't we just all put the color of skin thing aside and save our country, as brothers and sisters of the Human Race?  

If we erase the lines that divide us, we can do what needs to be done.  We can all act as one, and win.

Praying for us.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Live, From the Pro Shop

It is 9:38 am, I've been here about an hour, balanced my cash, got all my work stations set up the way I like them, stocked the fridge...

The "old" group started about 9.  One of them always eats lunch here.  He loves my Reuben sandwiches, even took one home to his wife on Thursday.

The friend I've been telling you about...he's here today.  I let him pick out one of my Critters, he picked the patriotic elephant.  :)  I think I'll send him home with the red pig, too, because I was thinking of him when I made it.  His group took off around 9:30, they should be finished between noon and 1.

The Pres. just came in, he's a good guy most the time.  Frank came in, but he and the Pres. got into a little tiff the other day and there's a little tension between them.  Silly boys.  Looks like that group is getting ready to tee off.  My Jack, Pres., Doc (Holy Cow), Chuck and Frank.  This group should be finished about an hour after the first group.

Most of these first groups are my favorites.  They usually always have lunch, especially on the weekends.

There will be another group, they usually start about 11.

I didn't bring any Critter material to work on today.  I was feeling a little melancholy this morning, and couldn't wrap my head around what I felt like working on, so decided to do a little computer work today.

So, that's my morning here at Twin Pines.

Make it a good day and Play Nice!  xxoo

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Feeling Kinda Famous

after being "featured" on Pink Cupcake's blog yesterday!  I thought I'd better get on it and share some new stuff I've been working on, since I haven't for awhile.

One "manly" looking pig, done in leather look red felt.

A mini giraffe, he helps me keep an eye on things around here.
Two custom order Unicorns.

Close up with a lime green piglet.  

This was a custom color order for an Easter Gift.
Pink Camouflage elephant, he's hanging out in the equally pink ladies locker room here, hoping for a new home.

I have another "manly" elephant stuffed and waiting for some ears at home.  Today I am working on a hot pink and black zebra striped mini horsie.  

Work has been crazy, after a month I'm finally feeling like I'm getting a good handle on it.  What tickles me is  that I am learning how to cook on this grill by luck, and some guys are coming out here just for one of my sandwiches.  So far I am making hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs (split on the grill), grilled ham and cheese, and thanks to the generosity of one of the members that is a meat representative, corn beef sandwiches and Ruebens.  

At this moment I have 5 guys playing Pitch, one guy is watching them.  The wind is blowing so hard in H'ville today, my sweetheart didn't even get his cart out.  

Oh, and in case you haven't seen a picture of one of the sweetest grand babies in the world lately...

My granddaughter, Delilah Jean.  She's 4 months old now.

I better go tidy up a bit.  xxoo

Monday, February 6, 2012

On the Road Again

For the second time in 3 months I am en route to New Mexico to visit my daughter and family.  I'll be resuming a job when I get home, so I had to "get while the gettin' was good."  Nice to be able to take a little vacay, we all need a bit of a break.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The End of January

I have a funny feeling that I will be traveling in February.  My darling daughter is feeling a little homesick for me.  My new granddaughter is growing very quickly, and I think I could stand to be gone for a couple of weeks.

Last time I was there, we were waiting for Granddaughter to arrive.  She was late.  It was cold. I will talk to him about it soon.

First I will figure out where I want to stay overnight on my trip there and back.  Last time was my first time stopping half way, the time before, I had my young son with me.  I will choose more carefully the places I stay and the towns I stay in.  Now that I kinda know...coming home last time, I got caught driving in the dark for longer than I was comfortable for.  Do not want that to happen again.

Mr. Stubborn is off his sick bed, and back out to the golf course.  Unseasonably warm winter, thanks to the Good Lord Above.  He's still sleeping across the hall, due to his deep cough.  My days are back to "normal" and my nights, well, I seriously could get used to this.  As it is now, he likes to come in to watch TV for a little bit.  While he's watching TV, he also is watching the never ending golf videos on YouTube...checking his emails, which are usually golf videos that his golf friends have found on YouTube, and now, for some reason that I don't know, we are watching "Wheel of Fortune" every night.  Now if he'd go across the hall after that, that would be ideal.  He could watch whatever, and I could watch my whatever, and we'd both be happy.  But, that's not how it goes.

He will flip through the Netflix offerings, what he has in Instant Que, won't be able to decide for a long time, then he'll pick some war movie or something, so out come my ear buds (but I can still hear the warring and shooting from his movie because apparently he's deaf now) to watch my whatever on Netflix on my computer while I work on a Critter.

There's no communication, because of the ear buds.  At least from across the hall, we can converse...well, after I say something then he says, "What?" and I go over to where he can see me because apparently he can't hear me unless he can see me...

I've been busy with my Critters, as you can see by the photo stream above.  I really, really like how the Zebras turned out.

I have some pink cheetah print, too.  I ran up to Hancock Fabrics last Friday.  It was a cold, gray day, but I needed to get outta the house.  Got a Huglight, too.  It's a flashlight that you can drape around your neck, LED lights with 3 settings, really makes my hand sewing go a lot faster, smoother, and accurate.  Imagine that, easier to sew when you can see what you are sewing?  I got mine at Target, for $9.99.  2 AAA batteries.  Awesome invention.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A little absent (minded)...

Wait, what?  Just kidding.  My sweetheart, (from this day on he will be called Mr. Stubborn) has been ill.  Ill enough to take himself to his bedroom across the hall Thursday evening.

And there he's been, except for his sneaking out of his bedroom to do things I'd prefer him not to do when he's sick,  like emptying the dishwasher, folding towels, getting a snack...and doing things he shouldn't even be worried about, like the litter box.  I told him the first day to stay in his room and not germ up the house.  Then he has the nerve to say, "I hope you don't get this."

In my trying to take care of him, all he's done is piss me off & put me in a cranky ass mood.

So...I'm not saying another word to him.  We've been cooped up in here since Friday...well, I "got" to get out of the house to go to the grocery store this morning.  While I was gone he was all over this place.

I have kept myself occupied, during this duration, by watching LOST and making critters.  I know there's at least one new picture up there.  I'm trying a new technique with the eyes, which led to new ideas and techniques in my mind...

He just slipped down the hall again.  I'm going to shut my door a little bit so I don't have to see him when he comes back through.  And then I'm going to finish up a couple of critters, and hopefully my head will not explode before the end of this day.